Culture |

Horse-riding - Casanare

The Orinoquía offers a wide range of cultural possibilities. Biggest part of the region is also referred to as ‘Los Llanos’, mostly inhabited by cow farmers. Because their way of dressing with a hat and boots, the way of behaving and working with the cattle, and the importance of horses which are also used in remote areas to go from A to B; the culture is also referred to a ‘Cowboy’ culture. Besides these cowboys, you can also find a lot of Indigenous cultures in the Orinoquía, especially further east, where Colombia limits with Venezuela. Other cultural items you can enjoy are the gastronomy and the cultural yearly events and festivals.

"Llanos" Activities

‘Trabajo Llanero’ is referred to as the work of the ‘cowboys’ in this region. It is an absolute highlight to see how they work with the cattle and the horses, and is something typical from the culture in Los llanos and the Orinoquía region.

"Llanera" music

Other typical highlight of the culture in Los Llanos and the region of Orinoquía, is the music. One of the main instruments is the harp, and beside sons, they artists also preform poems over the sound of instruments. Together with the typical dance ‘Joropo’ you will experience something unique.

Musica llanera

Indigenous culture

Visiting Indigenous communities is another cultural highlight in the Orinoquía Region. Almost half of all the ethnic groups in Colombia (89 in total) can be found here. Sikuani, Achagua, and Curripaco are among the most common, but you will find many more all over the Orinoquía, some of them still conserving a traditional way of living.



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