Chinchiná Caldas


Since 2004 DE UNA Colombia Tours has been The Colombia specialist. We have traveled frequently and extensively throughout all areas of Colombia and continue to do so during our tours, round trips and vacations. This gives us the experience, knowledge and infrastructure to travel and offer destinations that no other travel agency can match. Join DE UNA on one of our tours or round trips, book one or more short trips to your favorite destination or let us help you organize a tailor-made tour and make the most of your visit to Colombia.

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Over the years we have collaborated with great personalities, TV shows and documentaries. Here you will find a small selection:


In 2019 we worked alongside the Animal Planet film crew, and biologist Forrest Galante, for the program 'Extinct or Alive'. We went out into the pristine jungle of Vaupés to explore the Apaporis and Pacoa Region in search of the Apaporis Caiman. DE UNA Colombia Tours took care of the complicated jungle logistics, contacts with indigenous communities and permits. See the result of the teamwork between Animal Planet and DE UNA:

Check our itinerary with ANIMAL PLANET here.
Animal Planet


For this famous and popular TV show we did all the logistics and site inspections in Santander, Antioquia, and the Caribbean Coast.

Check the video.

BNN op Reis

Together with Cris Zegers we went to Mesetas, Uribe, and La Macarena, to explore the tourism potential of this region that is currently in a post-conflict process.

Check the itineraries.
Cris Zegers

Columbia Sportswear Company Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta

Climbing the highest mountains with a TV crew and the expedition team from Columbia Sportswear Company.

Check the video.
Expedicion Columbia


ACOTUR Holland House ATTA

2023 Created by © DE UNA Colombia Tours