Sustainability |

Nabusimake Cesar

Sustainable tourism is a concept that covers the complete tourism experience, including concern for economic, social and environmental issues as well as attention to improving tourists' experiences and addressing the needs of host communities. While travelling through the Region of Caribe, there are many ways to give your trip an extra sustainable focus. Combine your stay in with a visit to a social project in Cartagena for example. You can also support the local economy by including a homestay somewhere during your trip, and going from one destination to another can easily be done by travelling over land instead of using national flights, reducing your CO2 emissions. Besides all that, you find some of the best ecolodges from Colombia at the Caribbean coast. Not only in the sector of Tayrona and palomino, but also in the northern part of ‘la Guajira’, and at the ‘Golfo de Morrosquillo’, and ‘Golfo de Uraba’.

Fundacion Pescador de Letras

‘Fundación Pescador de Letras’ is a foundation located in the sector ‘la Boquilla’, just north of the city of Cartagena. By offering education and activities to the poorest families of this fisherman’s society, the foundations helps to improve the opportunities for the most vulnerable children. By visiting the project, and doing a tour with the local fishermen, you are donating a small amount to the foundation.

Join indigenous communities of Sierra Nevada

As DE UNA we offer very special trips into the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, visiting traditional Kogui villages. Besides being a tremendous experience, your visit to the Koguis will apport to some social projects of the indigenous people. Funds are used to clean path in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, for education of the Kogui children, and for protection of the traditional culture of the Koguis.

Comunidades Sierra Nevada - Evento la Esperanza

Ecoresort el Golfo & Reserva Sanguaré

There are many eco-lodges or ecoresorts at the carribean Coast of Colombia. But to mention one of them, we definitely like to highlight the Nature reserve of ‘Sanguaré’. Located at the beaches of ‘Golfo de Morrosquillo, the ecolodge protects the ecosystems of the tropical dry forest, the wetlands, the mangroves, and the seagrass meadows. More than half of the reserve is destinated for conservation, restoration, and investigation.

Reserva San Guare

Local accommodation

Give your trip an extra dimension, and an extra impulse for sustainable tourism by booking a local home stay at the Caribbean Coast. One of the best options is staying with a local family, with indigenous people in La Guajira in a ‘Rancho Wayu’, or at a ‘Kogui Choza’ in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. It will not only be a unique experience and a support for the local people, but also a learning process in life.

Posadas Turisticas San Rafael



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